Super premera:Fayruz guruhi&Oydin Yusupova "Afsus"


Fayruz guruhi va Oydin Yusupova tamonidan ajoyib tarzda kuylangan "Afsus" nomli yangi premera guvohi bo'lasiz. Kuni kecha ushbu tarona uchun klip suratga olingan bo'lsa bugun sizning hukmingizga havola etishga tayyorman.Fayruz guruhi xamda Oydin Yusupovaning "Afsus" nomli taronasi uchun maxsus klipni rejissor Bakhrom Berdiyev suratga tushirdi. Klip Cho'lu dashtlarda olingan va siz uchun kutilmagan qirralarga mohirona tarzda ochib berilgan.  

Категория: Shou-Biznes | Просмотров: 11002 | Добавил: Alijon | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 4311 2 3 ... 430 431 »
1 inobbeplisp • 01:53, 2012-Yanvar-04
We work with existing community organizations and assist them in finding volunteers, which they need in their work with the sick and poor http://best-pet-health.info/pain-and-its-cure.html . Finally, we participate in the process of reaching out to Ukrainian companies and corporations, to engage in sponsorship for the benefit of socially disadvantaged groups, as well as public institutions of social purpose, which do not receive sufficient funding from the budget.
1-1 2-2 3-3 ... 430-430 431-431